Ad Council x End Family Fire presents: Safe Stories

Powerful stories by those who came close to gun suicide, in a book that can safely store your gun.

Every day, 67 Americans lose their lives to gun suicide, with unlocked guns in homes raising the risk by 300%. Yet, many believe it could never happen to them.

In partnership with the Ad Council and End Family Fire, we developed Safe Stories, a unique collection of personal accounts from survivors of gun suicide attempts, housed in a book that doubles as a safe.

Through a strategic, cross-media campaign, this book became a powerful tool to engage gun-owning households in conversations about safe gun storage, driving behavior change that can help save lives.

Client: Ad Council, Brady Group

Agency: Dentsu Creative

Team: ECD - Tim Schoenmaeckers, Niels Sienaert, GCD - Chris Pacetta, Matt Tarulli, AD - Claesine Lindberg, CW - Alex Floyd

Featured in Adweek, AdAge, The Drum, etc.

Shorty Award Winner

One Show Finalist

Safe Stories :60

Case Study


Intel (Social)